Monthly Archives: February 2015
Flying the American Flag at Half Staff
When should the flag be flown at half-staff? An easy way to remember when to fly the United States flag at half-staff is to consider when the whole nation is in mourning. These periods of mourning are proclaimed either by the president of the United States, for national remembrance, or the governor of a state […]
Facebook Account Hijacked
To all of our supporters, As of this morning, our Facebook account was hacked and hijacked from us. We have no access to stopping the offensive posts that have been emerging at such a rapid pace. We have contacted Facebook multiple times but have had no response from the company as of yet. You may also […]
He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. – Deuteronomy 10:18-19 Be inspired by God’s Glory™ Bible and give of yourself – either with time or money – or both! […]