The Prayer Wall

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who are trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

Thank you Father for a new morning to give you praise with thanksgiving. Discipline is necessary for proper growth and maturity. Discipline must be accompanied by love or it becomes punishment. Discipline with love is instructive and produces the desired result. Without boundaries, life becomes reckless and accountability is ignored. You provide guidelines in your word to enable us to grow into your likeness. Apart from your teaching, rules become restrictive, and rebellion is the result. We must recognize that even though discipline seems harsh at the time, it is producing in us your characteristics of patience, love, gentleness, kindness, forgiveness, self control, and peace. Training is painful and it takes time, but the end result is worth the pain if we will willing walk in obedience to your word of truth.

Will you be with President Obama, our Government Leaders, and our Men and Women in the Military as they serve you this day? Each one is dependent on your insight for wisdom. Each one needs to seek you in prayer, and we need to pray that they will.
I pray for my family and those I love that today they will surrender all that they are to you. To hold onto any desire that is not acceptable in your sight will result in strongholds that will eventually destroy them. May they be willing to listen to wise counsel, and walk in peace with you.

I ask these things in your name, Lord Jesus. Amen.

The Prayer Wall