Monthly Archives: July 2015
Over There
George M. Cohen, 1917 As sung by early 20th century recording artist Billy Murray: Johnny, get your gun, get your gun, get your gun. Take it on the run, on the run, on the run. Hear them calling you and me, Every Son of Liberty. Hurry right away, no delay, go today. Make your Daddy […]
Booker T. Washington
Booker Taliafero Washington rose from slavery to a position of power and influence. A realist and a man of action, he became one of the most important African-American leaders of his time. He was committed to improving the lives of African-Americans after the Civil War. Washington advocated economic independence through self-help, hard work, and a […]
George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver rose from slavery to become a renowned educator, scientist, artist, and humanitarian. An innovator and idealist, he had a remarkable understanding of the natural world. Carver devoted his life to research and finding practical alternatives to improving agriculture and the economic condition of African-Americans in the South. From Slave to Student Carver […]
Tuskegee Airmen
In spite of adversity and limited opportunities, African Americans have played a significant role in U.S. military history over the past 300 years. They were denied military leadership roles and skilled training because many believed they lacked qualifications for combat duty. Before 1940, African Americans were barred from flying for the U.S. military. Civil rights […]